Today’s guest post in our series on singleness and the church is from my friend and fellow-blogger, Jen. Jen is one of the most beautiful people I know, inside and out, and she approaches being single the way she approaches everything else: with a positive attitude, and a heart that looks for the beauty in every moment.
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23
Wise words. Also pretty stellar advice, if you ask me. {If you need some advice about how to live life and be a better person, you should read this book I’ve been obsessed with lately: it’s called The Bible; you should look it up.}
Guarding your heart is such an important thing to do, because there are so many people that just want to bring you down in this world. As a single woman in my twenties, I am well aware of this fact. Dating in the regular world is hard, but it’s just as hard in the Christian world. Especially since about 75% of the Christians you know met their s/o when they were 17-20 years old.
Most people, when they find out you are single will pelt you with statements like:
Um, thanks? First of all, I don’t treat being single like some un-curable disease, and I already know how awesome I am. {Just kidding, but you know what I mean. You can only hear that so many times before your sarcasm kicks in.}
A lot of times I think that people don’t know what to say when you tell them you are single, and these kinds of statements are their defaults. The media portrays single people {mostly women, I mean, look how they treated George Clooney} as sad, lonely, and desperate for love. So can we really blame them for thinking like that?
Not every single person feels like that, though; I know I don’t. Being single isn’t the end of the world {even in the Christian community}, and there is definitely something cool about being on your own. That being said, do I want to get married someday and have a family of my own? Of course I do. I just don’t see it as something to mourn right now because in this particular season of my life, I don’t have it.
Being single in the church just means to me that I am walking in alone and might possibly sit by myself. {Sitting by myself seems to be a better option anyways since I am inclined to chat during service otherwise.} Even in the honest moments where I wonder where the LOML is, I know he is somewhere out there. Possibly wondering where I am, but more likely he is playing a video game or watching ESPN. {Or possibly playing on ESPN… Tim Tebow, I’m looking at YOU!}
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
I’m not in charge of my future, God is. He has the plans, and right now, my Mr. Right just isn’t in them. Why, you ask? I really don’t know. It sure would make things easier, but who am I to question The Almighty Himself?
© 2015
Jen is a lifestyle/fashion blogger who enjoys popcorn, Harry Potter, being a hairstylist, and, of course, loves Jesus. She speaks louder than she should and loves making people smile. When she isn’t at the salon, she is listening to music, cooking, and writing for her blog:!
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