The annual apple-picking road-trip to Michigan last weekend was just as awesome as we thought it would be, and if the fact that we drive all the way to Michigan to a particular orchard when there are perfectly good orchards closer to home didn’t already prove it, we can now officially say that we are dedicated road-tripping apple-pickers, because it hailed. And we went anyway.
And I now have 24 pounds of apples sitting in my kitchen, waiting to be made into all kinds of amazing things. Apple crisp is on tomorrow’s baking list, along with ginger apple pork in the crock pot. My apartment is going to smell heavenly this weekend.
Remember that necklace I wished I’d bought the last time I was in Michigan? I am happy to report that I found it!! Isn’t it pretty?
photo © Simple Felicity 2014
(necklace by Lisa Leonard Designs)
It was such a happy moment, finding that necklace again. It turns out I probably could have ordered it online, but I think being on a quest for it was better (it’s all about the journey, right?). I’ve worn it a few times this week, and having it means just as much as I’d hoped it would. Totally worth it.
While in Michigan this past weekend, I also splurged on a new sweatshirt, since most of my Michigan sweatshirts are older and falling apart. Usually when I buy new clothes, I wash them before I wear them, but Monday was a grey, chilly day, and new sweatshirts are so soft and warm and cozy – and I decided to wear it once before I washed it.
Never again.
The sweatshirt is a light blue hoodie, and the inside is a bright teal.
I don’t think I need to say much more than: Unwashed sweatshirt. Teal dye.
By the end of the day, I looked like a Smurf.
I kind of have a thing about ink. I really dislike having ink on my skin. Accidentally drawing on myself when a pen slips is enough to send me over the edge. It creeps me out when people write notes to themselves on their hands. (Needless to say, I will not be getting a tattoo. Ever.)
So discovering that my arms had been dyed a brilliant shade of blue by my new sweatshirt was cause for an immediate freak-out.
It took half an hour of scrubbing with seven Neutrogena make-up remover cloths and two washcloths (that will probably never be the same) to get it off.
I will be washing all my new clothes before wearing them from here on out for the rest of my life.
One of the things articles about the hardships of being single generally fail to mention is the question of spiders.
There was a morning this week when I walked into my kitchen to get my lunch and found a ginormous spider – we’re talking huge – hanging out on the floor. Gripped with immediate fear, I was faced with the horrible choice all single women face when encountering situations like this: run next door for help and hope the spider is still in the same place when you get back, or attempt to kill it yourself and pray that it doesn’t jump at you.
I stood there, staring at it, and All The Thoughts started running through my head, “I should go get help. I can’t go get help. What if it moves? What if it runs under the couch and I can’t find it? How did it even get in here? And OMGOODNESS, WHAT IF IT HAS FRIENDS?!“
At which point I grabbed a hiking boot and smashed it, thanking God that it didn’t jump or try to run. Because if it had, I might have been forced to abandon all of my belongings and move immediately to Antarctica, where it is surely too cold for spiders.
Tomorrow’s the day! I spent some time earlier this week designing several options for the cover of my first eBook, which will be coming out mid-November. I’m going to be giving the eBook away absolutely free to anyone who’s on my mailing list for Simple Felicity – but if you join my mailing list this weekend (which you can do in the “Subscribe For Weekly Updates” box on my homepage) OR if you like my Facebook page, you’ll have an opportunity to vote for your favorite cover. So please do follow me on Facebook or subscribe to my weekly updates! I’d love to hear what you think about the cover options!
Happy International Hug-A-Drummer Day!
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