September was probably one of the busiest months I’ve had in awhile, and if I needed proof that I was tired at the end of it, I got it. Usually on Wednesdays I leave for work a few minutes early and treat myself to a venti soy no water chai at Starbucks on the way, and this week I thought, “I should skip that, and use those few extra minutes to get the dishes done.” Then I went to brush my teeth, and almost put contact solution on my toothbrush. Needless to say, I went to Starbucks after all. Caffeination > dishes. Always.
photo courtesy of © / SimpleFoto
I tend to write a fair bit about the importance of friendship and how to build good friendships, and I love it when I come across stories of amazing friendships. This post from Molly Moore on Soul Friends is absolutely lovely. I hope you are blessed with at least one friendship like the ones she has found.
So apparently there’s a new Left Behind movie coming out this weekend? (Really? That’s still a thing? Or is a thing again?) I’m not sure from what I’ve heard that it’s a movie I really want to see, but this article from Nate Pyle has some great thoughts on a better way to read Revelation.
Brené Brown gave an interview this summer on love, faith, forgiveness, and grief that is completely worth your time (I mean, seriously, check out the screen shot The Work of the People chose for it – which sadly doesn’t appear below, but you can click thru to see it!)
On a somewhat related note, I love this post from Kathryn on traveling light. In addition to gleaning some serious wisdom about ‘letting go’ – I have also now made a mental note to never travel with a poorly chicken…
Confession: I don’t play a ton of games, but every now and again, I’ll come across one I really like. I played Castleville for awhile with some friends on Facebook, but eventually there were just entirely too many quests and storylines to follow, so I gave up. But about a year ago I started playing Castle Story, and I think I’m going to stay hooked for awhile. It’s always interesting to me what people will share under anonymous conditions – but over the past year I’ve come to ‘know’ and care about some of my ‘neighbors’ from other kingdoms, and it’s kind of fun being a part of their lives, even tho we could walk past each other on the street and never know. If you play (or decide to), look me up! My kingdom is called Eowyn’s Keep, and I can always use another neighbor. 😉
As long as I’m confessing things, I’ll admit it: Teen Beach Movie is one of my favorite movies. It’s reminiscent of classic movies like ‘Beach Blanket Bingo’ and ‘Grease,’ but it has some very pointed things to say about the power of gender stereotypes. All you need to know to appreciate this video is that two present-day teenagers have been transported by a magical surfboard into the plot of a musical beach movie. (What, this has never happened to you?) Look for the colliding world-views; this is actually pretty brilliant (tho I’ll admit, it’s even better within the context of the whole movie):
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