Happy Friday! I am not generally a TGIF type – I like my jobs, and weekends tend to be busier than I’d like a lot of the time anyway – but for this season, Fridays are my Sabbath(ish) day, and it is so good to be sitting down with a strong cup of coffee and at least an hour to myself to do one of the things I love best: writing. I found myself posting this last night on Facebook: “Oh, gosh. Have you ever had one of those moments where all of a sudden you realize (maybe even again) – “THIS. THIS, right here, is what I was created to do!”? If you haven’t, I hope someday you do. Because it’s such a hope-full thing.”
It truly is.
If you are, as I am, looking at your life, reluctantly admitting that you are officially a “grown-up” (whatever that means) and wondering what on earth you are going to do with the 2nd half of your life – I cannot recommend strongly enough that you pick up a copy of Parker J. Palmer’s Let Your Life Speak. I’ve been reading it slowly over the past few weeks, savoring his stories and learning to let my life speak to me about my vocation. At the moment, I don’t think I have the slightest question – writing definitely seems to be the main thing.
Which makes me feel a lot better about my self-imposed goal to spend time writing at least twice a week for the rest of this semester, no matter what.
That said, I may not end up with two pieces published every week – since I will be spending a great deal of my allotted writing time next month working on a surprise gift for you. If you are currently subscribed to my e-newsletter or are a fan of my Facebook page, I am already hard at work on an early Christmas gift for you. And if you’re not – well, that’s easily fixable! The newsletter subscription tab is either to your right or at the bottom of this page, and you can just follow the Facebook link to like my page! Anyone who signs up between now and November 14th will have early access to my first e-book. (Squeeee!)
Oh, right – so this week. This might illustrate it:
photo courtesy of ©Depositphotos.com / hitdelight; font: KG Cold Coffee by Kimberly Geswein
This actually happened yesterday. It was a sad, sad thing.
If you didn’t catch Emma Watson’s speech this week, you need to:
It was excellent. And while I personally loved her thoughtful point about how gender constructs can hurt men, too, in ways that we don’t always hear about – I thought this article had some good points as well. And the fact that there are articles like this out there is part of what I think does make Watson’s speech a “game-changer” for feminism – it got people talking. And these conversations are necessary, if any positive actions are to follow.
HT: Rob Harrison for sharing this on Facebook this morning; this article about Sacramental Economy is worth mulling over for awhile. Yep, that’s right: sacramental economy. It’s actually a really cool concept. Check it out. I’d summarize for you, but the article itself is too good to miss. 🙂
So hey, remember when I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was writing a press release? It’s out there! Apparently in a lot of places – but you can check it out here. Tho I have to say – I think the trailer’s a little more awesome.
Download it today from the App Store (or for Android: from Google Play)!
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
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