photo courtesy of © / andresr
I’ve been thinking a lot about happiness this week, kicking around ideas for our summer writing project. Happiness can be kind of a subjective thing, in that our personalities and gift mixes can affect which activities we find “fun” and which we don’t – but I think at its heart, happiness might have some common roots, even if the ways in which we find it are diverse. What do you think? When are you truly happy? Check out the conversation and leave your thoughts on happiness here.
Recently I took a strengths assessment called StandOut. StandOut identifies nine major strengths roles, and helps you discover more about both how you work and why. I tested out as a Provider/Creator, and I was really intrigued by the way those two strength roles combine with my personality type (INFP) and Strengthsfinder themes (which are pretty much all about empathy and intellect). I tend to view intellect as detached and emotion as engaged, and as opposite ends of a spectrum, but my StandOut assessment links them in a really cool way. I’m able to look at systems and identify their impact because I’m focused on people – it’s rare for me to care about a system for the sake of the system itself, but I’m passionate about making sure that systems are useful and that people are prioritized within them.
I think those strengths also play into why I write, and what I write: at the end of the day, what I really want to do is help people – and if telling my stories and sharing object lessons from them can help, it is well worth the time and effort.
In similar news: I’m really looking forward to teaching at my church in a couple of weeks. The series is “Things I Wish I’d Known In My 20s” – and oh, boy, are there a lot of things, lol. If you’re the praying sort, please pray for me as I study the Word and prep for that message. I’ve had major writer’s block going into this, but I think there might be light at the end of that tunnel… at least, I hope so! 🙂
I’ve been catching up on some of my blog reading this morning, and I love, love, love this post from Random Cathy about emotions. There is so much to be said for just paying attention and being present to ourselves, as well as moments.
Quick update on that mentoring series: there was a slight delay with this week’s guest post, but I’ve seen the rough draft, and I promise you, it’s worth the wait. 🙂 Be sure to check back early next week for Sara’s thoughts on becoming a leader.
One of my biggest challenges as a writer is coming up with catchy titles for posts, so I try to pay attention when I find myself clicking on a link to someone else’s article, analyzing what makes it catchy and why. My favorite find this week? George Harrison Memorial Tree Killed By Actual Beetles. (No joke.)
Have a great weekend!
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