I generally try to value time and not write it off with phrases like “I am so glad this week is almost over!” But while I am glad to be alive and relatively healthy, let’s just say that I am also really looking forward to next week’s arrival. (That’s the most positive way I can think of to spin it right now.) Nothing to write home (or blog) about there – just a crazy, long, and often frustrating week – leaving me very grateful for the chance to take a deep breath, and most of today off. 🙂
photo courtesy of ©Depositphotos.com / Artanika
In spite of its more frustrating moments, there were a lot of really awesome moments this week, too: sneak-a-hugs from my favorite kids, getting to come home to people who love me at the end of a long day, sunshine and fresh air, and good conversations. They say “it’s the little things in life” – and I guess that goes both ways. The little things can drive you batty – but there are also a lot of little things that can pretty much make your day. Today I’m going to look for the happy things, because generally, we’ll find what we’re looking for.
Speaking of happy things – I mentioned a summer writing project a couple weeks ago, and I haven’t forgotten. More on that coming this Tuesday – so stay tuned! If you need a reminder to check in, please go ahead and “like” my page on Facebook. Once you’ve done that, you can right-click on the box that says “Liked” and click “Get Notifications.” I’ll post the link to the summer writing project there this week. 🙂
I’m also excited to tell you that there are some guest posts in the works for the mentoring series I’ve been writing this month! I am privileged to know some people who are really great at mentoring, and have taught me a lot just by modeling it (and mentoring me!), and I’m looking forward to reading their thoughts along with you later this month. You can find the rest of the series here.
I feel like I have read more books in the past three weeks than I read in all of the last year. That’s probably not actually true, but it’s been so lovely, reading so much (and having the time to do it!). I still have a few non-fiction books to get thru yet, but I’ve read all the fiction I’d planned on. If you have any recommendations for some awesome summer reading, I’d love to hear them! Please drop me a note in the comments below. (You can also sign up for my weekly newsletter by checking the “add me to your mailing list” box before posting your comment!)
In other news, I know this won’t sound at all restful to a lot of people – but I’ve been slowly deep cleaning my apartment this summer, cleaning out boxes I haven’t opened in years – and I am really looking forward to tackling my closet today. It’s not the cleaning itself that I find restful – it’s the sparkling clean organization on the far side of it. It also just feels really good to get rid of things I neither need nor want, and gives me time to de-clutter my mind and my soul a bit, too.
And last but most definitely not least, I absolutely love Colbie Caillat’s new song, Try – but even more, I love what she had to say about it in an interview with Elle Magazine. It always makes me glad when people who have a platform use it to do what they can to effect positive change. I really hope a lot of women will take the message of this song to heart.
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