Can you believe it’s almost Easter already? Maybe it’s a gift that from year to year, I tend to enter this season with only a vague awareness that it’s going to be insanely busy, but with no real memory of what that actually means. Our Good Friday service is exactly 14 days away, and I am already starting to wonder how it will all come together. I know it will – it always does – but wow. It’s going to be a crazy two weeks…
On that note – I am happy to say that I’m probably in a better place about that mentally and emotionally than I’ve ever been, and when I paused to consider why, I realized that I’ve been making healthier choices about how I’ve spent my time even just this past week than I usually do in this season. I’ve been going to sleep earlier (most of the time), taking naps on my Sabbath days, and carving out time to do things that fill me up (like writing, listening to podcasts, and attending webinars). I’ve also been making smarter decisions about what I do with my free time. I have a lot of friends who are extroverts, and I love spending time with them – but their idea of fun involves getting together with big groups of people, and going places. As an introvert, I can handle those sorts of events every now and again (and even have a good time) – if I have plenty of time on either side of it to prepare and recuperate.
photo courtesy of © / olly18
Reading Jen Fulweiler’s post this week on the 5 big ideas that changed her life, I realized that coming to understand my personality and cultivating a better awareness of what fills me and what drains me is one of the things that has changed my life, too. I felt a little guilty, saying no to a friend who invited me to a super-fun event tonight when I technically had time to go – but I know myself, and while it really would have been fun, the activity would have wiped me out, on a weekend when I really need to be able to bring my A-game. So I’m staying home, to write and read and maybe watch a movie – activities that will lead me into the state of internal rest I need in order to hit the ground running tomorrow morning. And thankfully, my friend was really gracious about it, and is totally willing to wait until after Easter to get together.
The webinar I attended this week was hosted by Michael Hyatt, on tips for writing great blog posts. He shared a lot of great insights, but I particularly appreciated his thoughts on post titles. In retrospect, I think I regret re-naming the post I wrote earlier this week about the Noah movie. It was originally entitled 4 things to think about before spouting off about the Noah movie. Somehow I think it would have gotten a lot more hits… 😛
If you’re a podcast enthusiast, I’d love to recommend one to you: The Pastor Fury Podcast. It’s hosted by my friend Arman Sheffey, who is really gifted at podcasting. I’m not just saying that… He’s good in a “wait-why-doesn’t-this-guy-have-his-own-radio-show?” kind of way. Check it out – and if you would, subscribe to it in iTunes or write him a nice review, to help boost his ratings. He’s just getting started, and I’d love it if my readers would help support him. Thanks!
I have been known on occasion to do or say things worthy of the term “space cadet.” So I found myself both rolling with laughter and yet slightly empathetic when I came across this article about a missing woman who accidentally joined her own search party. Kind of gives new meaning to the idea of “finding yourself…”
Anyone who’s been reading my blog for awhile knows that there are two things I am passionate about: breaking down barriers that hinder community, and seeing women empowered and stepping into their callings (whatever form that takes, from pastor to writer to mom). I loved this post from Katie Ross this week, about her journey towards divinity school: Becoming Pastor Katie. (HT: Sarah Bessey)
I am sooo excited for Jonalyn Fincher’s series this month on friendships between men and women – seriously, she has so much wisdom to share, and it’s going to be an awesome series. She kicked it off this week with a post about lust, and an interview with Ryan Thomas Neace, a licensed professional counselor who wrote a brilliant and incredibly vulnerable article on his blog for the Huffington Post (which you can read in its entirety here) about consecrating sexual attraction. Ryan’s voice on the subject is much needed, and I can only hope that men and women who read his thoughts on this will hear the voice of Jesus and effect positive change in their relationships. (Sidenote to any of my readers who might be under 18: please do me a favor and check with your folks before following the links to Jonalyn’s or Ryan’s posts, ok? I personally trust their voices, but your parents really do need to help you decide if you’re ready for these conversations, and it’s only fair to let them check out the content first, all right? Thanks, friends.)
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