Solitude and silence are two disciplines that I often practice together. They can be separated, but it takes a lot of intentionality to practice silence in a group, and solitude just lends itself to being quiet. Saturdays, as my current Sabbath day, usually have a good chunk of time built in for both these disciplines, but…
I’m back to Mudhouse Sabbath again, for about the zillionth time this year. I think this may be one of the most influential books I’ve ever read. Oh, wait! It’s January. So this is only the first time I’ll have gone on about it this year. Excellent. Well, then. Without further ado… For those of…
Her name is Hannah. She’s an older woman, tall, laugh lines, grey hair, visibly someone who has weathered much but done it with that deep joy that marks those who follow Him. Wrapped in her dark dress coat and a brightly colored scarf, she follows us into the arena where our tech crew will soon…
Something beautiful happened today. Actually, it started a few days ago, when I remembered my friend Sara talking about how she’d finally ordered the Book of Common Prayer. I’ve been meaning to do it myself for ages – Madeline L’Engle and Lauren Winner have both talked about its significance in their lives, and since they’re…
(in memory of Susannah Wesley) I am sticky, with peanut butter artwork all over my chair; the table is covered with crumbs and he grins, with his brown milk mustache. Susannah had more children than I have imagined, yet she lived. I do not…
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