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119 Articles
on coming to terms with my inner Donna Reed

on coming to terms with my inner Donna Reed

Jeremiah 31:21-22: “Set up road signs; put up guideposts. Take note of the highway, the road that you take. Return, O Virgin Israel, return to your towns. How long will you wander, O unfaithful daughter? The LORD will create a new thing on earth – a woman will surround a man.” What?! After three hours…

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By Happy, May 28, 2007
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i am not the perfect mother

i am not the perfect mother

(in memory of Susannah Wesley)                     I am sticky, with peanut butter artwork all over my chair; the table is covered with crumbs and he grins, with his brown milk mustache.   Susannah had more children than I have imagined, yet she lived. I do not…

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By Happy, March 28, 2007
loving God

loving God

    I recently found myself unexpectedly challenged by something I’ve read. It’s from a book by Peter Rollins called How (Not) To Speak of God. First, this (he’s talking here about traditional forms of apologetics and why the emergent church doesn’t embrace them): “…if someone is convinced that there is a place where they will…

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By Happy, March 24, 2007
reflections over coffee and candy cane pie

reflections over coffee and candy cane pie

Our pastor preached today on hitting “the pause button” on life, taking time out to reflect on who God is and who we are in Him. He based his points off the times in Mary’s life when she would treasure divine moments and “ponder them in her heart.” We’re to stop and reflect on blessings,…

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By Happy, November 26, 2006
true hospitality

true hospitality

I’m reading a great book by Lauren Winner called Mudhouse Sabbath – it’s excellent stuff, really makes you think about how you live and why – and the chapter I read today was on the Hebrew practice of hachnassat orchim, or hospitality, and how it should/could fit into the Christian life. Basically the gist of the chapter was…

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By Happy, November 25, 2006
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Meet Happy
Simple Felicity is, at its heart, a blog based on the unshakeable belief that happiness really isn't all that complicated. It's often found in the simplest of things: good food, good books, and good company. So those are the things I write about, along with a few other things that really matter to me, including faith and feminism. A bit about me: My name is Happy. I have an amazing talent for misplacing my keys, a deep appreciation for whomever looked at the coffee bean and thought, "Hey, I wonder what would happen if I roasted this?", and road trips to Michigan are pretty much my favorite.

My Writing
Bonbon Break

The statements made and opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of any current or former employers.

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