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How Social Distance Is Reshaping the North American Church

Hi, friends! The following is a guest post in a series I kicked off a few weeks ago about what it means to be the church. Please welcome Julia Robertson to Simple Felicity! Grace and peace,Happy In response to COVID-19, my church in rural Pennsylvania forged ahead into the virtual world. We live-stream a Sunday…

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By Happy, April 23, 2020

an introvert’s guide to self-isolation

It’s a concerning time, friends. I hesitate to use the word scary, but there are moments when it feels that way, aren’t there? As an introvert, I am perfectly capable of spending days at a time by myself without interaction and not noticing – but there is something about having to self-isolate that somehow suddenly…

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By Happy, March 20, 2020

Censorship, Courage, and Being the Church

Naively, I once wrote an article exploring what it means to “be the church.” A friend shared the link. Someone made derogatory comments. Other friends leapt to my defense.  And suddenly there I was, in the middle of a good new-fashioned social media brawl, wondering what in the world had just happened. I’d cited some…

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By Happy, March 18, 2020
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adventures in Brooklyn, vol. 10: unexpected twists and extraordinary moments

There are days when it feels like everything in the City is working in my favor; every train is on time, and I am on time for them. My traveling companions are pleasant, and commuting is okay. Aaaand – sometimes none of that is true. A few weeks ago, I was on my way home…

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By Happy, February 18, 2020

breathing space

My #oneword365 for this year is “pause,” and I already love how much even just choosing that word has helped me to slow down, and create some breathing space. Advent is usually my season for that. Quiet nights and twinkle lights are frequently my way in to a slower season, but it didn’t quite pan…

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By Happy, January 20, 2020
Meet Happy
Simple Felicity is, at its heart, a blog based on the unshakeable belief that happiness really isn't all that complicated. It's often found in the simplest of things: good food, good books, and good company. So those are the things I write about, along with a few other things that really matter to me, including faith and feminism. A bit about me: My name is Happy. I have an amazing talent for misplacing my keys, a deep appreciation for whomever looked at the coffee bean and thought, "Hey, I wonder what would happen if I roasted this?", and road trips to Michigan are pretty much my favorite.

My Writing
Bonbon Break

The statements made and opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of any current or former employers.

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